On April 23, 1932, Roy Halston Frowic, known to the world as “Halston” was born. Halston attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. While there he started a business making women’s hats. He rose to fame as a designer for First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, for whom he designed pillbox hats. As hats fell out of fashion he turning to clothing. In 1976 he designed personnel uniforms and seat covers with tiny “H’s” for Braniff International Airways. Throughout the 70’s his line expanded to include menswear, luggage, handbags, lingerie, and bedding. Working with Fieldcrest, his patterns included “Halston’s Clouds”, “Halston’s Rose”, “Halston’s Flower”. Halston passed away in 1990. Additional info about Halston can be found…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halstonhttps://www.biography.com/fashion-designer/halston