Showing 1–60 of 145 results
“Daisy Rose” by Lady Pepperell
“Dream Garden” by St. Mary’s
“Lots of Daisies” by Tastemaker
“Melissa” by St. Mary’s
“Summer Splendor” by Tastemaker
“Age of Aquarius” by Burlington
“Aloha” by Wabasso
“Alpine Flora” by Vera for Burlington
“Amapola” or “Poppy” by Lady Pepperell
“American Beauty Rose” by Cannon
“Astoria” by Wabasso
“Barcelona” by Wabasso
“Blossom Festival” by Cannon
“Bridal Bouquet” by Lady Pepperell
“Brook Flowers” by Pequot
“Calico Square” by Wamsutta
“Campanula” by Wabasso
“Caper” by Burlington
“Caress Unknown 11” by Burlington
“Carmel” by Thomaston Mills
“Castle Garden” by J. P. Stevens
“Chantelle” by Wabasso
“Charmaine” by Wabasso
“Checkmate” by Tex-Made
“Chloe” by Cannon
“Collonade” by Wabasso
“Concord Block” by Tex-Made
“Concord Stripe” by Tex-Made
“Contempora” by Wabasso
“Contessa” by Wabasso
“Cotillion” by Cannon
“Daisy” by Sears
“Dancing Daisy” by Wabasso
“Daringly Danish” by Tex-Made
“Debutante” by Wabasso
“Denim Daisy” by Utica
“Denmark” by Wabasso
“Dogwood Floral” by Cannon
“Dreamland” by Dan River
“Dynamite” by Wamsutta
“East of the Sun” by Cannon
“Elegante” by J. P. Stevens
“Enchantment” by Elegance (VTM Varitex, Inc.)
“Escapade” by Fieldcrest
“Felicity” by Fieldcrest
“Field Flower” by Sears
“First Lady” or “Tulips” by Wabasso
“Fleur de Lis” by Lady Pepperell
“Floating Gardens” by Martex
“Flora Lora” by Dan River
“Flora Polka” by Pequot
“Floral Ribbon” by Pequot
“Floral Shower” by Lady Pepperell
“Floral Vine” by Burlington
“Flower Pops” by Pequot
“Flower World” by Pequot
“Flowery Branch” by Fruit of the Loom
“Fresh Lilac” by Martex
“Friends of Peter Rabbit” by Cannon
“Frost Flowers” by Fieldcrest